Periode kommt nicht – normwl?

Hey, da der Februar nur 28 Tage hat, wollte ich mal fragen ob das ein Einfluss hat.

nun, seit Jahren Tracke ich meine Periode mit einer App ein. Ich hatte Periode zuletzt 02.02 bis 05.02

Nun, jetzt laut App sollte ich meine Periode morgen bekommen, habe aber weder Symptome dass sie bald erscheint obwohl ich sie eig fast immer habe. Liegt es jetzt daran dass der Monat so kurz war und die Periode erst in paar Tagen kommt?

Mache mir da etwas Sorgen und trotz dass wir mit Kondom verhüten, ist man ja dann doch etwas paranoid

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2 years ago

Your hormone balance doesn’t know a calendar and it doesn’t matter how many days a month has. Your app will also be so smart to calculate your average cycle from the previous data.

In the natural cycle, the strong drop in the concentrations of progesterone and estrogen in the blood triggers the menstrual bleeding on average 14 days after ovulation.

But no cycle is carved in stone and you will still notice with the years that even with an adult woman is usually only little “regular”.

Unfortunately, it is wrongly taught at school that a “regular” cycle should be 28 days. That’s just an average.

In times when more and more women take the pill and thus have a uniform “cycle”, it is quickly forgotten that it is artificially produced and does not conform to the norm.

Hardly a woman works like a Swiss clockwork and only 3.3% of all women have picture book cycles, which on a year only vary by a maximum of 3 days. The cycle lengths vary by more than 8 days within one year by far over half of all women.

This is not unusual and a menstruation cycle of 21 to 35 days is still considered to be regular in medical terms.

The period can also be postponed or even completely eliminated by psychological or physical strains such as stress, travel, performance, upcoming important decisions or family events.

Happy for you!

2 years ago

Hello Emilaluzia

This is normal in the first years and you don’t need to worry, because your body has to get used to the new situation. It will take some time to get your days halfway regularly. It can take months to get your next rule. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later.

If you’re unsure then you can only give you a pregnancy test. A blood test is possible at the earliest 9 days after the conception. With a test strip you get a result after 14-19 days. A safe result with test strips is obtained 1-2 days after the period is not allowed.

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

I got my today again 😂