Periode früher hervorrufen?

Hallo zusammen ich sag schonmal danke an alle die sich Zeit für meine Frage nehmen und zwar brauche ich eure Hilfe ich fliege am 21.12 in Türkei 🇹🇷 für 7 Tage und genau an dem Tag bekomme ich meine Tage wir wollen da aber baden (also Pool) deswegen meine Frage kann ich meine Periode irgendwie hervorrufen das die früher kommt oder so ? Das wäre echt super vielleicht mit irgendeinem Tee oder so aber bitte nur das empfehlen was euch wirklich geholfen hat keine Vermutungen Vielen Dank an alle 🫶🏼

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4 months ago


Unfortunately, you can only move them with hormones such as the pill (after) or norethisterone, but both you have to be prescribed by the doctor. You can’t always guarantee that your period will remain.

Also, consider that any drug that contains hormones and can also be involved in your cycle with sustainable cycle disorders. Irregular bleeding, intermediate bleeding (also during your holiday), cramps in the abdomen, mood chaos also outside the period, strong or weak periods etc. You have to be aware of that. I just don’t want you to make a mistake you’ll regret for months after. Please don’t pay attention to reports of experience because everyone reacts differently and only because someone has tolerate it well/bad doesn’t have to do this automatically with you.


Please, please take NIEMALS any tips from the internet, Tiktok, Scial Media or even any medication. All these tips do nothing and some can even be really dangerous. As long as there is no official doctor in front of you and says, “that’s how it works” then don’t do it. It’s really just for your best if you don’t try it.

You need hormones if you want to postpone the period. Home products such as vitamin C, parsley, water drink, heat only helps to a limited extent. These “experience reports” arise from the fact that people use this for a long time and then naturally get their period (which would have come without the home funds) or it shifts for other reasons and then they think that the home funds have done this even though that is not true. These are all hopes that actually do nothing and do not cause any changes in medicine.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



4 months ago

If you take the pill, you can influence it very well.

For example, you can take the pill. However, there should also be something on the package leaflet of the pill:)

4 months ago

There’s nothing like that.

The period always comes 14 days after the ovulation.

Only through the pill does the period fall out and you can move the artificial bleeding through.

4 months ago

No, I can’t. But you can use tampons, so you can go swimming.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hallo123499

This has nothing to do with whether someone is a virgin or not.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nussbecher

But they are not always 100% safe:(

4 months ago
Reply to  PieInTheSky

But if tampons are applied correctly, then nothing happens.

4 months ago


4 months ago

That’s what women have to assess, she knows how strong their bleeding is. If you don’t feel the tampon, it’s right.

4 months ago

Aso, I didn’t know

How do you know that you use the right size and introduce it far enough? (btw sry for the many questions 🥲🥲)

4 months ago

Of course. You can apply them in the wrong size or not introduce them far enough.

4 months ago

What is the correct application here? You can’t use it wrong?