Periode dauert zu lange?
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und habe die periode mit etwa 14 Jahren bekommen. Anfangs war es unregelmäßig jetzt kommt sie aber fast immer Ende des Monats.
Jetzt dauert es länger also ca. 8 Tage und sie ist immernoch nicht fertig heißt es wird länger als 8 Tage dauern ich habe aber keine Schmerzen
Ist das normal
So I’m not an expert, I’m only 16 and can only report on my own experience… When I got 12 years old, they were irregular, sometimes stronger, sometimes lighter. When I thought that my days had a bit of imitation, they sometimes didn’t come to school stress for a few weeks. With me, they last on average 8 days (e.g. from Monday to Monday), they were also shorter, sometimes even a little longer.
Vin, therefore, I think this is completely normal, just because you haven’t had your days long. There are always deviations and irregularities! Nothing in the body runs exactly according to plan!
That’s normal. Your body is not a machine! I also had longer and shorter control bleedings in young years, or even once a month no (without being pregnant). That you have no pain is good! If you should be unsure, go to a gynecologist, but I don’t think you need to worry.
This can happen already.
Thank you