Periode: Blute ich zu viel?

Bei den ersten 2-3 Tagen meiner Periode muss ich Tampon und Binde gleichzeitig tragen, weil ich über den Tampon hinausblute. Ist das zu viel? muss beides auch relativ schnell wechseln.

bin w16

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1 year ago


I’d say it depends. Do you have typical symptoms of iron deficiency? For example dizziness, headache, hair loss, fatigue etc. That could be because you lose too much blood through your period, so too much iron. This often shows that the bleeding is a bit too strong. From this, you are still in puberty with 16 and there it can be that due to the hormonal conversions your bleeding also impendulates.

But if you’re insecure, just let the women’s doctor explain it and talk about your concern.

All the best and best regards 😊