Period missing – Abitur stress?
My period is now 8 days late, I'm currently in the middle of a study phase and stressed about my Abitur because I'm taking my Abitur in 10 days.
Could this be the reason for the absence?
My period is now 8 days late, I'm currently in the middle of a study phase and stressed about my Abitur because I'm taking my Abitur in 10 days.
Could this be the reason for the absence?
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Pregnancy can't occur this way. Not to mention the risk of sexually transmitted diseases if you have sex with a stranger without a condom.
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Hello, I took the morning-after pill yesterday (19 hours after I forgot my pill) I now have two weeks until my pill break. Can I then take the pill break as normal, or should I just continue taking the pill? I took EllaOne, which affects the effectiveness of the regular pill
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Oh, yeah, I can sing a song of it! In my examination phase, too, the period remained, even after the fates or periods in which I really have a lot of stress.
You don’t believe what the psyche has for an influence on the body!
Hallo đ
Ja, Stress ist ein ganz hinterlistiger ĂbeltĂ€ter bei sowas.
Er verursacht ein Chaos im Körper und lenkt ihn von seinen Aufgaben und Pflichten, wie etwa die Regulierung der Hormone, ab. Das fĂŒhrt dann zur Verschiebung der Periode. Das machen ĂŒbrigens auch Krankheiten und Infektionen.
negative Auswirkungen hat Stress immer, solange man nicht dauerhaften starken Stress hat sondern nur hin und wieder ist das aber nicht weiter wild.
Das Verschieben oder Ausbleiben der Periode kann viele GrĂŒnde haben:
Es braucht manchmal nur eine kleine VerÀnderung im Alltag damit die Periode sich verschiebt das ist ganz normal. Wenn sie 3 Monate nicht kommt dann sollte man zum GynÀkologen gehen.
Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen đ
Viel GlĂŒck đ
I can confirm that. From a medical point of view, stress has the potential to
Yes, stress can change the cycle. Just like a change in eating habits, which is a matter of stress.
I would just watch it in your place and track it in an app when the period enters. Then you’ve documented it and you can see if it’s re-enrolling or you’re using the docu for a more individual conversation with your female doctor.