Periode bleibt aus aber Unterleibschmerzen?

und zwar nehm ich die Pille und eigentlich müsste ich schon lange meine Blutung bekommen aber die bekomme ich nicht. Dennoch hab ich Bauchschmerzen als würden die kommen. Kann es auch mal sein das die so schwach ist das nix raus läuft oder auch dass man nur schmerzen hat?

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3 months ago


Yeah, that can happen.

You don’t get a period during the taking of the pill, even not during the break. The bleeding that many expect in the pill break is a bleeding or a hormone withdrawal bleeding. This is not the period and to save confusion I recommend you not to use the word period in connection with the pill anymore.

The pill not only suppresses the ovulation but also prevents the cervical mucosa from growing too strongly. It can also happen that the mucous membrane has barely built up and no bleeding occurs during the pause. The pain arises due to the withdrawal of hormones and is nothing bad. If you’re worried that this isn’t normal then go to the gynecologist and get advised there. Maybe it’s easier for you to leave the break.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



3 months ago

If you take the pill, you don’t have to have a bleeding.

The pill ensures that no cervical mucosa builds up so that no egg and no sperm can “fix” there.
And without cervical mucosa, no bleeding. I have not been bleeding in the pill break for 2 years, but the pain is always due to the hormonal withdrawal

3 months ago
Reply to  Lenchenbenchen

I understand, but you don’t have to. Best to contact the next visit

3 months ago

If you don’t get better, go to the doctor.