Period doctor sick note?
Hey guys, I'm 13 and I wanted to ask if I can get a sick note for my period, and if so, where do I go? The pediatrician, or can I also see a gynecologist? And if anyone here thinks I should go to a gynecologist at 13, no! I just meant that pediatricians only treat illnesses like the flu, colds, etc. That's why I wanted to know whether I should go to a pediatrician or a gynecologist?
I don’t think that you can only write sick because of its period, except if it’s really bad, but you also have to go to the female doctor and decide if it’s a reason to stay at home.
The period is not a disease heot. Or do you want to get a one-week medical prescription every 4 weeks?
If you have any sick problems, you should not postpone a visit to the female doctor.
Now that she has spent all her “authorized” days for the school year, she probably wants to fix it.
What do you want all the time I had a flu you can read
go to the doctor. If you really have so much pain that you need a medical certificate, you should explain why you have so much pain. And that’s what the female doctor does
A normal period is actually no reason for a medical prescription!
Period is a female doctor. No matter how old.
You can get a medical prescription if the pain is very strong, with the medical prescription usually coming from the doctor, but the doctor should definitely look at why the pain is so strong.
You can easily go to the female doctor with 13 years. Female doctor is relevant as soon as you get the period. Even if you’re 13
You can and should be a female doctor. The home doctor or pediatrician can’t do much because there is a lack of research, und then they usually write only very conditionally ill.
If you’re human, you’re a female doctor. You don’t need a medical certificate, the parent’s insurance card where you are insured.
A good opportunity to be inoculated against cervical collars.
Good luck!
I would choose the female doctor.
I suppose you’re in severe pain?
You can find out what woman can do to the pain, or whether you have endometriosis and therefore have a hell of pain.
The pediatrician wouldn’t examine you gynecologically.
The female doctor already.
No you don’t get, except you’re under the pain you don’t have anymore
Just because you have the period, I’m sure you won’t get a medical certificate.
And gynecological affairs are the cause of the gynecologist.
If your period is so strong and causes so severe pain that you can’t participate in everyday life and you are affected by it, then this is definitely a case for the female doctor.
You’re working?
….except there is Attest-Pflicht.
Maximum from the 3 day. With regular pain, the first day is the most painful.
No I don’t work but at my school it’s so you can only miss 10 days a year and they’re already consumed because I need a medical certificate
Well, the poor pupil has to be able to go straight to school with the sickbed.
The school year just started! You should work on you urgently! You can’t do that.
Digga I just asked you about a medical certificate what are you so disrespectless
Why don’t you just stay out of this thing I got a flu last time I was with the doctor and I was sick for 14 days!
That’s exactly what I mean….
If there are too many bad days, the school can ask for it very well!
I’m sorry. The child must be a nurse.
There are also pupils who, from the first day, must present a medical certificate 😉
That’s what the pediatrician will do to you. However, during the period, you would have to have so much pain that you cannot go to school. You don’t get a medical prescription just because you’re bleeding
No. He’ll send him to the doctor. I’ve seen my daughter.
Oke, yes, have a strong pain and had to hand me over.
Parents can apologise to you for the first three days for “sickness”, that would have to be enough.
Having a period in puberty indicates that you are completely healthy. So why should there be a medical prescription?
I have severe abdominal pain and had to hand me over!?
Then your first interest in getting help and not getting a medical report! However, your remaining comments suggest that you don’t have a physical problem but just don’t want to go to school!
You think if I go to the doctor, he’s helping me, and I just asked about the medical certificate because I had to hand me over!?
It’s not a disease.