Periode An die Frauen?

Hab gestern meine Tage eine Woche zu früh bekommen. Seit heute morgen habe ich starke Schmerzen und bin total müde, sodass ich fast nur schlafe. Hab die zum Glück immer nur 2-3Tage und nicht stark.

Wie geht’s euch da? Und was hilft euch gegen die Regelschmerzen und Müdigkeit?

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4 months ago

It is normal that the period comes too early or too late. Our body is not a machine that is always on time. If I have abdominal pain and I’m tired, I just stay in bed and rest, drink tea and use a heat bottle. I can highly recommend camomile tea and women’s coat tea against such pain. To alleviate the pain you can also take a warm bath or make sports. Personally, however, I would not have been able to exercise the strength or pleasure of this pain, but every woman is different, some can do sports at that time, some can not do what is not bad.

I wish you all the best and hopefully your pain will soon pass