Periode am Urintest erkennen?

Hey, also ich hab bald meine J1 Untersuchung und wollte fragen ob die Ärzte bei einem Urintest erkennen können ob man seine Periode schon hat.


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2 years ago

Hi :-

First of all, a great praise to you that you want to make the J1 examine. For a thumb up for you 🙂

Using a urine test, it is not possible to see whether a girl already has the period or not. If you should not get your period on the day of the investigation, this will not be apparent, no 😉

I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions about the J1 examination or want to know something else, you can also contact me personally at any time. I already have the J1 examination behind me and in the end had a good feeling that I had to make it:-)


2 years ago
Reply to  1234560

And thank you for the star <3

2 years ago

No, that’s not being examined. The doctor will ask for the period, but there is no reason not to be honest. With 12 to 14, it is completely normal to have its period, but also completely normal if you don’t have it yet.

2 years ago

The urine is only examined for the amounts of natural constituents whether blood or bacteria are in it.

To see if you already have your rule, much more extensive investigations should take place.

And that’s not done.

When blood is detected, the doc will ask you about your rule.

You should answer it honestly because blood in urine is not normal and it would lead to further clarification.

2 years ago

Only if you have your period and then blood is in the urine. By the way, I’ve never heard you have to do a urine test with the female doctor in a simple investigation – what about?

2 years ago
Reply to  HarmonyZ

Small note to your answer: The J1 examination takes place with a pediatrician or a pediatrician, not with a pediatrician;-)