Letzen Monat habe ich direkt nach meinem Eisprung angefangen leichte Blutungen zu haben. Ich habe mir nichts dabei gedacht und dachte es sei nur eine Zwischenblutung, aber es hat bis zur Periode angehalten. Es war allerdings immer nur dunkles Braun oder etwas Blut im Ausfluss?
Dann war wieder alles in Ordnung und gestern hatte ich wieder meinen Eisprung.. und jetz sitz ich hier und hab meine Periode?? Zwei Wochen zu früh???
Bitte helft mir weiter und danke für Rückmeldungen!!
It could be very helpful to have a conversation with the female doctorate to explain this.
I don’t think this is your period, but quite normal outflow after ovulation. Don’t worry, it’s normal. After your ovulation, the follicle is excreted and this is either dark brown, black or a little bloody. And that can last a few days. Don’t worry
Can of course tdm again become a female doctor
But it’s a lot and I also have the underlying pain..?
How much if I can ask? And how does the pain feel? Are they stabbing? Left right or in the middle of the abdomen?
I don’t want to attack you, but that’s not true.
The follicle is the place where the egg matures. After ovulation, a yellow body is formed from the follicle (that is because it is yellow).
This yellow body produces progesterone and estrogen in order to maintain a possible pregnancy until the placenta takes care of it. If there has been no indentation, it forms back and disappears. He doesn’t leave the ovarian, he doesn’t get excreted and also leaves no gland.,Hormone%20Yearly%20Dearly%20Menstruation cycle.
That’s why I was with three different women’s doctors because my ovulation has been like this for almost 10 years. Everyone explained it to me
The facts say something else. The follicle becomes the yellow body and then forms back
Oh, okay, that doesn’t sound like the ovulation. You might want to be a gynecologist
as much as I bleed during my period. Little less, maybe. Pain is centered, abdominal cramps stop
Talk to a doctor