leute ich war am 9 September beim artzt weil ich halt so unter Leib schmerzen hatte so halt links und rechts abwechselnd und auch so untere rücken und ja Ehm ich hatte meine Periode am 31 August und wo ich halt artzt war meinte er es wird ein Eisprung oder so kommen ka was das ist aber ich habe noch immer die schmerzen ich habe Angst ich bin 14 und ich habe sie seit 2 Wochen ist das normal oder nicht bitte sagt mir das jemand ich zittere auch Grade weil ich so Angst habe ich weiß nicht was da Grade passiert danke
That’s absolutely normal. I always have unbearable pain during my period, which varies from woman to woman. In the beginning, you have to get used to it when there is no pain pill but don’t panic it’s 95% nothing bad. all love produkt️
So Omg is the normal 😭😭 I have it 2 weeks
In the beginning, the period is very irregular mine also since I am 13 and once I had it 2 weeks and then once 2 months not at all. It takes time to get used to it. Don’t worry. If you really have such extreme pain and the worry is that it might be a bit bad, which I don’t think will go back to the doctor for security reasons. All Love ▼ 🩹
Jaa that always changes with me I had the first year garkeine pain a uff once to today I always have abdomen pain that varies and constantly changes depending on the
But no I had them for 1 year all the time every month only the problem is this now so stop abdominal pain has come so stop right and left alternating and also lower back pain I was at last on 9 September and he asked me when I had my period and I said 10 days ago and he meant it will be such an ovulation or so and then the pains have still remained until now and therefore I am afraid