Periode 2 wochen lang wegen Urlaub verschieben, geht das?
Hallo ihr Lieben,
Ich fahre am 1 August in den Urlaub. Laut Plan wird meine Periode genau dann anfangen, wenn wir dort angekommen sind, darauf habe ich absolut keine Lust.
Meine Periode geht 7-8 Tage. Mein Zyklus ist sehr regelmäßig 28-30 Tage.
Ich nehme keine Pille oder andere hormonelle Präparate.
Was kann ich tun damit meine Periode erst 2 Wochen später kommt? Gibt es etwas das ich für diese Zeit nehmen kann um das aufzuschieben was aber auch keine starken Nebenwirkungen hat?
Hormonal contraception or pregnancy – there is no other possibility.
To shift the period or it only goes with the pill.
There are home funds with which you can delay them out, but if they help I believe happiness.
For questions please contact 🤗
Thanks for your answer 🙂 is it true that you can achieve the same effect with a nuvaring? I just need to get through the two weeks.
Yes, yes
Unfortunately, you can only move them with hormones such as the pill (after) or norethisterone, but both you have to be prescribed by the doctor. You can’t always guarantee that your period will remain.
Also, consider that any drug that contains hormones and can also be involved in your cycle with sustainable cycle disorders. Irregular bleeding, intermediate bleeding (also during your holiday), cramps in the abdomen, mood chaos also outside the period, strong or weak periods etc. You have to be aware of that. I just don’t want you to make a mistake you’ll regret for months after.
Please, please take NIEMALS any tips from the internet, Tiktok, Scial Media or even any medication. All these tips do nothing and some can even be really dangerous. As long as there is no official doctor in front of you and says, “that’s how it works” then don’t do it. It’s really just for your best if you don’t try it.
You need hormones if you want to postpone the period. Home products such as vitamin C, parsley, water drink, heat only helps to a limited extent. These “experience reports” arise from the fact that people use this for a long time and then naturally get their period (which would have come without the home funds) or it shifts for other reasons and then they think that the home funds have done this even though that is not true. These are all hopes that actually do nothing and do not cause any changes in medicine.
Why does it bother you to get your period on holiday? Are you in very severe pain? Strong bleeding? No experience yet with tampons etc.? Maybe I can give you advice and tips on how to overcome the holiday despite the period.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀