periode 2 Tage verspätet, bin ich schwanger?
Hallo alle, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe ein bisschen Panik gerade. Ficke mit meinem freunden regelmäßig mit Kondom und mein Perioden Zyklus ist sonst immer nach Plan eingetreten. Aktuell bin ich 2 Tage verspätet. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen? Ich habe dazu noch Probleme zu pinkeln und habe immer das Gefühl pinkeln zu müssen. Habe Unterleibschmerzen zudem die sich aber ein bisschen als wenn ich meine Tage kriege. Bitte um Ratschlag und ob Ich mir sorgen machen muss. Vielen Dank!
The shift or absence of the period may have many reasons:
It sometimes only takes a small change in everyday life so the period shifts that is quite normal. If she doesn’t come for 3 months, you should go to a gynecologist.
two days are not much. Only from 7 days is one actually talking of a shift or a “too late” of the period.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Oh, come on, two days are nix. Between 20 and 35 days is a normal cycle, even if we usually say: 27 days. And if you don’t have the period long, irregularities are also normal. And even if it usually comes regularly, it can come out of schedule. Don’t worry. If you prevent, there is still a residual risk, but that is relatively low.
my period since 2019
Regarding your period, you don’t need to worry, a shift is quite normal.
Burning, urinary and abdominal pain can be signs of bladder inflammation.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time
So with your bubble problems. Sounds like you have a bladder infection, but if you want to go quite sure about the late bleeding I would just make a pregnancy test once
Can have many reasons.
Pregnancy signs are only valid later.
go to the doctor
How about a pregnancy test or a visit to the female doctor??
Your concerns are justified
You should definitely go to the arse, missing periods are often a sign of cervical cancer!
No, more irregular bleeding. She doesn’t have any bleedings. A few days late can always be
Are you sure?
I’d take care of it.
You don’t have to worry about two days too late.