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2 years ago

People are not machines and the cycle is not a clockwork. Regulatory bleeding can also shift or fall out completely.

Adults women should then go to the female doctor if they do not know why three months have not received bleeding. Young girls in the first three years after their first rule have a month longer time.

So, relax and wait. If you still haven’t got control bleeding at the end of April, make an appointment with the female doctor.

2 years ago

Your hormonal balance has to settle down with 13.

I assume that you are not yet sexually active with a young person

2 years ago
Reply to  Nitaaa7

This changes nix, 😉es can be up to 18 approx. Durations until it turns into

2 years ago

You’re still young and probably don’t have your period so long, so it can be that your cycle isn’t so regular, you’re probably not pregnant. Probably this is nothing bad at all, the hormone balance is perhaps not yet pendulumed, even for example stress or weight changes can have influence. If you’re worried, you can just go to a female doctor and talk to her about it.

2 years ago


So if the period is overdue, there are various reasons.
What I don’t think you’re pregnant. But everything can be possible.

What can still be due to the overdue period:

extreme sport

mental stress

hormonal changes

Hope I could help.
LG firepaw123 🙂