Ich, 13 1/2, habe Freitag meine erste Periode bekommen. Das ganze ging eigentlich so bis Sonntagabend. Gestern war nichts! Kein Blut, keine Schmerzen… Und dann war heute auf einmal wieder Blut in meinem Slip und ich habe wieder Unterleibsschmerzen. Liegt es daran, dass ich so viel Sport mache, oder ist das normal?
This is completely normal
In the first three years it may happen that the period is irregular, fluctuates or you have very irregular bleeding.
It’s still happening. At the beginning this is still new for the body, which is how to learn an instrument, at first you make a lot of mistakes but with time it becomes better. So it’s your body, he’s still making many mistakes at the beginning, but he learns to find a rhythm and let the period come more and more regularly, but that takes time.
All right:) just wait and always have ties.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
This is normal, completely unobjectionable, also the abdominal pain, accompanying syndromemtombe.
It’s because your body has to “convene” its period.
That’s why your period may be irregular in the first few years, in which strong swings or that it comes to bleeding.
If you’re driving so much sport that this one affects your cycle, it’s not healthy.
Okay, thanks. Then I will reduce the sport!
first the fluctuations are normal, did you read that?
Promise your observation with your mother
Yeah, but I think I’m still doing a lot of stress etc. I’ll just wait and talk to my mother. Thank you for your help!