Periode 12 Tage verspätet nach absetzen der Pille?
Ich habe letzten Monat die Pille abgesetzt jedoch ist genau 2 Wochen später das Kondom gerissen aber vor dem Orgasmus. Das ist uns davor noch nie passiert. Nun ist meine Periode um 12 Tage verspätet. Muss das auf eine Schwangerschaft hindeuten oder kann das auch vom absetzen der Pille sein?
So at 12 days a pregnancy test should be clearly positive, would just make one. Otherwise, it is not uncommon that the cycle is now confused
Okay, so if I do a test tomorrow and the negative is I wouldn’t have a reason to worry anymore?
Exactly is very unlikely then
Thank you.
also gives the lust drop of what you can get pregnant… but can also come from dropping the pills had that too.
Okay, thanks. I think I’ll make a test tomorrow so I’m clear.
This is quite normal after the drop. However, you should quickly add a hormone-free safe alternative if you don’t want to get pregnant like copper spiral, copper chain, copper balls, gold spiral, diaphragm, etc. Get a monk’s cup to regulate your cycle. He helped me wonderfully.
Okay, thanks. I will definitely find another alternative. Thank you.
Thank you. Let yourself be advised at your Gyn or a consultancy 😁
After the pill, the body is often confused first and you do not have regular egg jumps at first. But if you had an ovulation, he would have been around the period. I’d make a test for safety.
Why do you put it off if you need it?