ich habe seit 5 Tagen meine Periode.
meine Mama weiß es ist alles gut und recht.aber wie sage ich es meinem Vater? Er erzählt alles immer an seine Eltern und die sagen es gefühlt jeden den sie kennen. Soll es meine Mama zu meinem Papa sagen oder wie war das bei euch?
vielen Dank im Voraus❤️
Too bad you say it’s not for fathers. That’s very sad. However, I meanwhile also saw that many fathers do not respect the privacy of their daughters. In this respect, I can understand your attitude, but still find it inconveniently generalizing. There are many fathers who are very dear and respectful to their children and are also discreet during the period.
I’ve never told my father and I think he didn’t want to know that exactly 😉
So hello where I had the first time period. I’ve never told my father about it because that’s a man and that’s actually your father he should know. I’ve never told my father about it.
Never told my father
If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t tell him.
But if you’d like to tell him, you might want to keep it for yourself because it’s unpleasant to you.
If he doesn’t understand and respect that, you shouldn’t trust him there!
I’ve had them for a few years, but I don’t see any reason to tell him…
If you think about it, maybe you should talk to your mom first. Maybe it’s better if your dad doesn’t know about it the next two times and only if you’ve gotten used to the processes and thoughts of your grandparents’ treachery, you’ve got to it.
“Our big one is already so far…. ” 🙄
let’s go
He doesn’t have to know. Tell your mum not to talk to him or his presence or tell him that he doesn’t have to fuck everything.
Your dad doesn’t have to know. It’s enough if your mother knows and you can discuss everything with her.
You really don’t have to discuss this with your father.
do you tell your father that you were on toilet or washed your feet?