Hallo Leute ich hab Mittwoch Klassenfahrt und Einglich sollte ich meine Tage schon vor 3 Tagen bekommen ich hab die aber noch nicht und ich will ungern meine Tage auf Klassenfahrt weil ich sehr dolle Bauchschmerzen,Ruckenschmerzen und Stimmungsschwankungen.Was kann man also machen das ich die Tage einfach später bekomme habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps damit man die Tage für eine Woche oder weniger nicht bekommt?
No, I’m not.
Without hormonal support, you can’t just let the period end or postpone it. The simplest method would be with the pill or Notheristeron. With the pill you should have started much earlier to achieve such effects. Notheristeron you have to get prescribed by the gynecologist and it does not work immediately.
There’s nothing going on spontaneously and fast. I’m sorry, but you have to get through your period as it just comes.
I hope I could help you anyway 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you
Very happy ^
The pill might take. But you don’t do that for a reason, I think. If you don’t like it, you can….
… first take everything you need to make your period bearable. Heat bottle, Ibus, etc.
…. either on Monday or until you get your days, tell a teacher you need a day off. Teachers like it when you talk to them before. Then you rest for a day, you can’t even forbid you. And I hope you can enjoy the rest of the class trip.
Sometimes the days stay complete when you have stress. So maybe they’ll spend a week on their own. And if that’s so pain and everything, let’s check this out at the female doctor.
I don’t think I can do anything
Ohaa will die