Periode 1 Woche zu früh und kürzer als sonst?


Ich bin 15 & ich hab meine Tage eigentlich immer relativ unregelmäßig, allerdings kommen die eher zu spät, als zu früh.

Jetzt ist meine Periode 1 Woche zu früh gekommen & ich habe nur die letzten 3 Tage lang geblutet, jetzt ist wirklich nichts mehr. Normalerweise hab ich die ca. 7 Tage.

Wie kann das sein? Ist das normal?

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2 years ago

Hi :-

You are still in the middle of puberty with 15 years of age and it is not uncommon if the period between irregular, only as lubricating bleeding or for a period of time does not come at all. It can, of course, also occur earlier or more frequently, as is the case with you at the moment. Your body is still changing in this phase and has to get used to the changes. So it’s quite normal what’s happening to you right now. That’s why you don’t have to be afraid, it’s nothing bad. Just give your body some time to get used to the new features.

This can also be the case if your period has always come regularly.

If you are still insecure, pain or just worry about your body, you can also make an appointment with a female doctor. This will then be able to tell you exactly if everything is okay with your body. However, as already mentioned, it is quite normal that the period in this phase can still be very irregular, which is why I do not consider a visit to the female doctor to be absolutely necessary.

I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂


2 years ago
Reply to  anonymmm395

Thank you very much for the star <3

2 years ago

Are the first to complain that their days are shorter 🤣

I got mine shorter through hard workouts and now I got my rest. I love it when the shorts are crisp.

2 years ago

That’s normal. It’ll take a few more years until it’s all set.