Per Einschreiben oder normal versenden?

Ich würde gerne Konzertkarten die einen etwas höheren Wert haben per Post verschicken. Was ist da denn die beste Möglichkeit? Per Einschreiben ist ja eigentlich so “der Brief fürs wertvolle”, habe ich da dann auch eine Sendungsverfolgung (das wäre mir ziemlich wichtig).

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1 year ago

For a normal registration, the cards are insured only up to 25 euros. In case of registration, even up to 20 euros.

If the cards have a higher value, write-in value would be the right one. They would be insured up to EUR 500.


  • Delivery in the branch (retaining a delivery document)
  • Delivery against the signature of the recipient or of a beneficiary
  • Online confirmation with signature
  • Online tracking
  • Increased liability for the proven value of items up to €500, for cash up to €100
1 year ago

I would send this as a throw-in letter, you can track the letter, but is not as expensive as a write-in with return ticket. Except the buyer wants it like that and pays for it.