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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

How consumption affects the individual is not safe to say in advance. This depends not only on how this individual reacts to it, but also on what substance it actually is. Pepp is not a normalized substance, but some panscherei that can contain various active and expanded substances. Even if amphetamine is usually contained therein, it does not have to be like this. Even if you don’t know how pure the material is without drug checking.

You should always be careful when you take drugs. In particular, however, in the first paintings, if one cannot even estimate how to react to them. This also means that one takes care of the effect sweetheart should and does not take any particular amount that might be too much for you.

General information on the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the consumption of amphetamine can be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Knollibert06

Excessive consumption can follow if that is meant.

1 year ago

From Pep, I’m even getting a worse hangover than from MDMA.

But it can be good that you have relatively little problems with Kater for the first time, because with me, this has only developed over time with the hangover to Pep and many people I know who are not yet pulling say that at Pep they get no or only very weak hangover.


1 year ago

aaaaah just leave it, pepp is such an elusive, dirty, honest substancely. I don’t know why you want to try it. Wow, you’re gonna wake up