Pep (speed) als ersatz zu kokain?

Ja also meine frage ist halt ob man pep nehmen kann als “ersatzt” für kokain weil das mir alles viel zu teuer ist und mann von pep ja viel längee druff ein kann, und kann man pep irgendwie so dosieren das es nicht gefüllt für ein tag ballert?

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5 months ago

Like , says.

And halfway is as high as you can’t do it like coke. A line that looks rich that you can’t sleep properly at night. Even if taken early.

It’ll ruin you in the long term. Both of you.

You’re probably still young. Believe me, in the long term you may not physically but mentally ruined with it and completely never heal the scars anymore!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Although one does not know what one actually takes in Pep or in cocaine (cf. Drugchecking), it can be said that these substances typically have a different effect. So it depends on what the stuff gives you.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the consumption of cocaine can be found here:

Here to Amphetamin:

Apart from that, I would advise you to get in touch with professionals. It’s completely confidential, you’re not obligated to anything, and it doesn’t cost you either. Just listen to what they have to say to your consumption. Look here.

Also here on the platform are consultants who can talk about this. Maybe look at or over.

Good luck!

Alena von Mindzone
5 months ago

Thank you. You can send me a message about friendship 🙂

5 months ago

In terms of effect, you can say: Jein.

Speed (amphetamine) also acts strongly stimulating and euphorizing, but the euphoria and the deinhibiting effect are not as strong in speed as in cocaine. Cocaine causes a very sudden and strong distribution of dopamine, which leads to a very intense euphoria, strong deinhibition and exaggerated self-esteem.

If someone only wants a stimulating effect with euphoria, Speed will be enough. But if you want to have a strongly deinhibiting effect with greatly increased self-confidence, Speed will not be sufficient.

Nevertheless, both substances should be completely dispensed with, since they are very toxic to the organs and heavily burden the cardiovascular system, whereby even young people can suddenly suffer a heart attack. In addition, both substances can strongly negatively influence sleep-wax rhythm, which can lead to long-term sleep disorders. Mental diseases such as depression and psychosis can also be caused very easily. The dependence potential is also very large in both substances, in particular for mental dependence.

Speed is a little less toxic than cocaine as a whole, but both substances are highly harmful and should remain in one-time use.

5 months ago

Are drug with different mechanisms of action