Penis/Vorhaut Kontrolle?
Haben Eure Eltern oder andere Personen ab und zu Euren Penis und die Vorhaut kontrolliert? Oder nur die Arzte bei den J-Untersuchungen?
Bis zu welchem Alter wurde es gemacht und ab welchem Alter?
Falls Ihr selber Kind habt: wie handhabt ihr das?
Bei wem wurde so eine Phimose festgestellt?
I am not a boy but think the parents make this up to a certain age, e.g. up to 10 or so think that after that you can also control it yourself if there should be something or not look like always or so you are actually going to the urolog of the control that also
When I was about three years old, my mother pushed my forefather back for the first time, which I remember well and also that she said that this was going so well with me and that we are always doing this because this is very important because of the avoidance of inflammation, constrictions and, above all, I should do this with “pulling” myself, so that no urine remains remain under the fore skin. It is clean and healthy when the fore skin is back, my mother said, and so I was excited and raised for the early release of the acorn.
Of course, you should look at it in small children as long as you have to bathe them, and the U examinations also pay attention to the peculiarities.
But believe a phimosis cannot be diagnosed so early, but it only happens when they are older.
No philosophical can also be found in young years
My mother “controlled” since small on my foreskin and when she went back with 5 I should have them back as much as possible to prevent a regluing & constriction!
That was also the opinion of the nurse, who also looked closely at every examination where I was always naked,
Also later with 12 in the KH at the annual healthy examination this was so!
Even at school, during the school examinations, they were soon naked and the foreskin back!
From 12 on, I’m supposed to be my foreskin. Mother and doctors have returned virtually all the time, which didn’t work so well, but caused the foreskin to “roll” like something and soon only covered my half acorn, which then also remained so that parents and doctors were released, even because my foreskin often glittled back by itself and stayed longer!
In contrast to childhood, I had hardly any more problems with light constriction, etc., thanks to mother & doctors!
My father tried it when I was five. Since the foreskin did not go back, we went to the doctor. The doctor said my foreskin would still be glued to the acorn, and you should wait until puberty. By wiping at the age of 10, I found myself that the glue was gone, and then the foreskin went up and down easily.
No one has checked the foreskin with me. I found out that at some point and I am self-employed with a constriction to the doctor. I’m not doing this with my son either. I think it’s good and right that the pediatrician looks at it. This is the best way for everyone involved. Then no one does something wrong (as for example to withdraw them too early).
My parents controlled this as a child and doctors, of course. Lastly, I didn’t have a phimosis, but a long foreskin.
My parents have always controlled up to 15 years of age and I always had to let it go with foreskin to the back and so
Good parents
Since I had a Phimosis as a child and often suffered from inflammation, my mother had a look at it and had my complaints treated medically.
At some point it was better and I didn’t have to be trimmed.
In my childhood, my mother regularly pulled back my foreskin while swimming in the tub. Later, I should have her withdrawn as much as possible.
That’s it!
It certainly did me good!
It never stopped with the control. In any case, it has always been repaired if the foreskin was accidentally not pulled back.
As with me.
Very good and exemplary
Today, however, hardly usual, some young people do not know that it is usual to wash the acorn.
you are right
Yes with me the preskin was controlled by my parents, should actually be trimmed in kindergarten, because of a flu the circumcision unfortunately not made and then my skin was always stretched by my parents what I hated
Would you like to cut?
I am now
As far as I know, the control of the external sex organs is one of the U investigations. Both sexes.
at least this was so.
Has been checked with me as a child and phimosis has been detected.
Controlled in primary school age to teenagers and as an adult I was then circumcised.
As a child, I kept my narrowing secret for a while until it hurt. Then I had to be cut with 11. I found that cruel. I’m happy today.
Never heard of such a control by parents. Even at the doc, that was not controlled by my memory.
Strange; In the past, everything went without control.
You can’t be that old that there was no J1 examination or something comparable. If desired, it was always looked at whether the foreskin (if present) can be pulled forward and backward without any problems. If it has not been done, you must have actively rejected it at the time, because there have always been mandatory examinations for children and young people.
Yes; I am so old that for me there were only the U-examinations in childhood 😉
The J1/J2 investigations have been common since 1998. So who was born before 1984 missed the series with a high probability. And you’re not that old.