Penis untersuchung für 15jährigen?

Hallo m15 und habe seit kurzem ein Problem unzwar geht mein linker hoden oft nach oben im sack und es sieht dann aus als ob es geschwollen wäre jedoch geht es dann wieder zurück. Im vergleich zum rechten hoden sieht das auch echt komisch aus da dieser unten im sack liegt und der linke oben steht. Ich hab überlegt zum urologen zu gehen, jedoch würde diese Untersuchung 100€ kosten, da es eine private praxis ist. Was soll ich machen?

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2 months ago

Go to the normal family doctor or your pediatrician.

If a visit to the Urologen is necessary and he can’t help out, he can transfer you there and you don’t have to pay yourself.

The whole thing definitely doesn’t sound normal what you’re writing, so please visit and let pediatricians look.

2 months ago
Reply to  Katas44

Swellings can have arisen unconsciously through a blow or a twist, high-rise, which is more likely to occur in children, can also affect older young people, and which is very common and has been mentioned by an acquaintance that can also cause swelling on the testicles untreated or unnoticed. But if everything is to be treated, otherwise it can have bad consequences until the inability to witness

Can well understand that the whole thing is unpleasant with 15 but you really have to go to the doctor

2 months ago

100€ for a 15 year old is of course quite nice. Why don’t you go to the family doctor first, and if necessary, he can send you to the Urologen. You don’t have to take private practice.

2 months ago

Go to the family doctor or pediatrician. Or to a Urologen with cash registration.

2 months ago

Go to a cashier if you can’t pay the 100

2 months ago
Reply to  Katas44

The opposite of a private doctor; the health insurance pays the treatment

2 months ago

Or a urologist who takes cash patients.

Why don’t you talk to your parents?

2 months ago

Don’t you have a normal health insurance card? You can go to a normal Urologen. Why does he have to be private?