Penis Strahl beim pinkeln nach oben?
Hi Leute ich bin M13 und beim pinkeln ist mir aufgefallen, dass der Strahl weit nach oben geht. Es stört nicht so krass, weil ich mich einfach auf Toilette setzte und bei Pissoirs klappt das auch noch. Aber ist das normal und kann man etwas dagegen machen?
It shouldn’t be. You can’t do anything.
I had, but now I’m gone. 14
This is quite normal that the beam goes up when there is good pressure behind it.
You can’t really do something about it, except the penis when you pee something down.
Envy memories of an older man in the past youth.
Enjoy it as long as you can. However, unfortunately, in the course of getting older.
At the Pissoir you have to aim, but still squirt everywhere. The prall ray will slow down and the suffering will go on when it drowns.
It’s a sign of your boy. We have compared the beam width as children, and another less attractive girl has made me feel very impressed with her abilities (although in other posture).
How is your Meatus externally shaped. I use a penile plug with longitudinal bore, so I can urinate beautifully.
Press the veneer firmly or place it wider and prevent it. Is it gonna be over the toilet or what?
Maybe you’re going too rare, so higher pressure.