Penis nach links?
Mein penis ist nach oben und nach links gekrümmt manchmal mehr und manchmal weniger manchmal ist es sehr stark nach links dann biegen ich ihn ein bisschen grade dadurch wird es besser aber krumm ist er immer nach links , die frage ist nur manchmal ist er wirklich stark nach links ab wann weiß ich das es nicht mehr normal ist?
I can tell you a curvature to one side and slightly upward, that can be quite normal. And let you be told it doesn’t affect your fun in the least.
So I already had sex but sometimes he is very strongly curved to the left should I have this examined?
If you think this is unnormal, you can make an appointment with the urologist, it won’t hurt you
If it’s always different, I’d let that go. If he always crumbles, then there is no reason to worry.
Doesn’t sound normal for me. You should go to the doctor
It’s like that for many. I have a theory, because in the case of right-handed persons, the bend is reversed instead of left-handed. And he fits much better in the right hand than in the left hand? This has made me understand the thesis that men who rightly avenge the Lurch so bend it with time and the ones corresponding to the left. The hit rate was amazingly high.
Curve in no matter what rocjtung are normal. Mine isn’t perfect.
Most penises are not quite straight. That’s normal. M
Peniss can have very different alignments and diffractions, quite normal
I know but it is strong to the left in irritating condition
Curves to the left/right, top/bottom are normal, each penis is different🤷