Penis crooked?
Hello, my penis is a little crooked, and I wanted to ask what I can/should do about it. But that only happens when it's erect, so when it's flaccid, it's a bit like that. The picture was taken looking down. Thanks in advance.
Hello, my penis is a little crooked, and I wanted to ask what I can/should do about it. But that only happens when it's erect, so when it's flaccid, it's a bit like that. The picture was taken looking down. Thanks in advance.
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Ich hoffe jemand kann mir hier weiter helfen Iiebe Grüße Theo Wolf
Hi this is normal to me m16 too
Live with it. That’s normal.
You don’t have to do anything. That’s normal
You don’t have to do anything, almost no penis is straight. A slight curvature is quite normal and nothing bad.
As long as he has no right angle, everything is fine
It’s normal and all right. The least penises are kerzengerade.
The fewest penises are kerzengerade in the original condition. Light bends are completely normal and also do not interfere.
Most penises are not quite straight. That’s normal. My penis is straight but twisted to the left because I have masturbated frequently with the left hand in the growth phase. Therefore, the penis had adapted to the masturbation hand. M
No penis is completely straight
The statement is not correct
She is.
Before you throw, better inform and take a picture of it with inaccuracy and inability to criticise yourself;)
funfact: he ignored me. *lol*
Nope also time online before you write dmme comments. Good night