Remove penis hair with scissors?
Is that possible?
Hello, I am 15 years old and I have a small problem. I think I've caught some kind of intimate infection or something, and I'd like to see a gynecologist because I've been having problems for a while. However, I don't dare go there because I'm very shy and I don't want to tell my…
Which do you find more attractive?
I almost always wear Vans
Hello I had a kind of bet with my crush. He said I'd definitely look good with straight hair (I have curly hair). And I said I didn't think so. He's somehow convinced me to straighten my hair tomorrow. So, here's the problem. I've only straightened my hair twice, so I wanted to try again…
Hallo, kommt drauf an, wie kurz du die Haare haben möchtest. Im Notfall dann eben noch rasieren, wenn alles glatt werden soll! 👍😉 LG! 😁
Na klar. Es wird nur nicht ganz glatt.
Ja das geht
War nimmst du nicht einen elektrischen Haartrimmer?