PCIe 6+2 an PCIe 6+2 gelötet?
Mein Netzteil hatte nur einen Anschluss aber meine GraKa brauchte 2. Was ist das schlimmste was jetzt passieren kann? Läuft seid knapp 7 Tagen ohne Probleme im Dauerbetrieb aber vernehme ab und an ein lautes Knacken im Netzteil
What does the matter have to do with “killed”?
Actually, the graphics card should not work at all, since most of them do not want to start themselves if the power plugs do not fit.
If the whole graphics card draws the power that would be for 2 plugs. Then the whole current goes over a plug. This would not only be the double load for one cable but in square (high 2). Only good that the cables are built for more than they need. Otherwise, there’s a cable fire.
The power supply is obviously not intended to be operated with cards with 2 terminals. You could overload it, with missing overheating protection, this could become so warm that parts in the power supply deform. So I think you could explain that cracking, but would be worst-case.
What parts do you have in your PC, and would you have a budget for a meaningful upgrade?
Got a Ryzen 7 7700X, a MSI B550 Gaming Plus motherboard, Zotac GTX 1080 ti and 2 NVMe directly on the board. The power supply is n China Böller to bridge by 2-3 weeks to get the BeQuiet Straight Power 11 650W
Joar, generally not such a good idea, no matter what cpu is really under there. If you continue to use the PC, it is recommended to keep the load low, and if there is noticeably warm air coming from the power supply, turn off.
The list cannot vote because motherboard and CPU are not compatible 😛
Yep. Is a 3700X 😂 sorry. Do this because I have spent a long time on the I7 7700k 😅
Pretty stupid action. Plug the graphics card and use the onboard graphics card until your new power supply is there. After that, the screaming is always great when something has tormented.
I don’t have any APU in the Ryzen. Need the thing for work
an 8pin (also 6+2) is designed for up to 150W.
If the manufacturer of the power supply has appropriately dimensioned the wires used and also the circuit in the power supply for this strand, but by modifying the plugs over this strand you are now calling up to 300W, ….
In the simplest case, the wires are warm enough, if necessary, the power supply simply switches off with excessive load. And if it’s stupid, you should have a fire extinguisher ready.
Well, it’s a 1080ti. Got it undervolted and now runs on Circa 230 Watt. However, I had read the map ca. 50 of them take directly over the PCI slot. Can these 30 watt extra cause such a huge damage?
House fire
That’s so big? Thought it banged vlt ne backup through or something
Hypothetically, if the power supply creates the power that the cable gets so hot that the insulation starts to burn, you will not be able to get a fuse anymore.