PC Tastatur spinnt?
Folgendes Problem:
Windows 11 Pro
Dell Keyboard KB522p
Wenn ich die Tasten 1, 8, TAB,T,F, X, Alt Gr, F5 Drücke, dann erscheint die Lautstärkeanzeige und mutet bzw. unmutet.
Habe ich aus Versehen eine Tastenkombination erstellt?
Ein Online Keyboard Test zeigt mir an, dass anscheinend dauerhaft die Bindestrichtaste aktiviert ist.
Wenn ich Bindestrich drücke, ist diese aus. Drücke ich zb. H, L oder 3 bleibt diese aus.
Drücke ich aber die oben genannten “Trigger” Tasten, dann bleibt der Bindestrich an und erlischt erst wieder, wenn ich Bindestrich drücke.
In the settings the font changed or another keyboard layout?
— Pictures for resetting —
(Runterscroll to the right point)
So the font is Arial and the layout German.
This is more effective than resetting, but deletes all data!
Settings> Update & Security> Recovery> Reset> Loss goes’s> Apps and Settings Confirm Delete> Reset
After restarting a pair, all settings and apps are deleted.
Okay, thank you very much. As soon as I tried, I’ll let you know.
What’s strange was the problem yesterday. Everything went normal. Now I’ve moved up and zack is back with the keys.
All right! Then I wish you a lot of fun with the new keyboard.
If you have any questions about Computer/Handy/Tablet, Operating Systems and Hrdware, you can easily write to me.
Sooo… when I reinstalled, the problem was still. That’s why I had a new keyboard. And now, after a few days, I notice it was on the keyboard. There have been no problems since then.
I still thank you for your help:)
I am looking forward
No. When I planned, everything went. Without problems.
Really mysterious… well, I’ll reinstall it.
Windows re-designed?
I’ll put pictures in my answer.
Are you with Win 11. I don’t think so.