PC stürtzt ab nach graka overclock, was tun?

Ich wollte meine 7900 gre overclocken mit Adrenalin und habe festgestellt, dass wenn ich die Einstellungen auf dem Bild benutze, Spiele wie zum Beispiel Battlefield 1 und Pubg und sogar 3D Mark (am Anfang vom Benchmark) abstürzen. Ich möchte wirklich gerne diese Graka overclocken. Kann ich irgendwas dagegen machen? Einstellungen auf dem Bild. Alles ist auf dem neusten Stand. Die Einstellung habe ich von Ancient Gameplays auf Youtube und sollten richtig sein.

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7 months ago

Increase frequency slowly. If it becomes unstable, increase voltage. Temperatures are observed. Step by step.

Simply push the max frequency slide to the right until the stop is no sensible procedure xD

However, this whole overclocking is a pure play. Angenommne you drive your GPU from 2,3GHz to 2,5GHz you won huge… 9% on line. Or, in other words, hold 65 instead of 60 fps…

7 months ago

a) Overclocking useless, brings almost nix

b) work laaaaangsam up and as soon as it is unstable, the stage goes back and you know what the GPU creates, the cost of time without end, but if you really want to, then the hours are invested in there

7 months ago
Reply to  D1smo

“these settings are correct” according to which scale should be the “right” for exactly your GPU? Did you talk to the GPU card manufacturer and he had the one in his final test in overclocking and could tell you the settings using the serial number?

Yes, then just find the settings for your GPU

Just to your info: GPU is not GPU. Things have no end to series. Like CPUs