PC startet neu und meldet:kernel power 41?

Moin zusammen hatte meinen PC aufgerüstet

PC vorher:

-Ryzen 5 3600x

-16gb DDR4

– GTX 1080ti

-700 Watt Netzteil

PC jetzt:

– Ryzen 7 3700x

– 32gb DDR4 auf 3000Mhz overclockt

– RTX 2080ti

– 700 Watt Netzteil

Seit der aufrüstung kommt es ab und zu dazu das der PC sich einfach neu startet ohne bluescreen oder sonstiges. Im Ereigniss Fenster von Windows steht kernel power 41.

Letztens hab ich 2 Tage gezockt am 3 Tag ist es dann passiert und auch erst nach 4-5 Stunden zocke.

Jemand eine Idee 💡?


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6 months ago

In the event window of Windows stands kernel power 41.

This is a consequential error, not the cause.
Kernel Power is always triggered when the computer loses the power supply (power failure, power supply fault, manual disconnection via the power button or the power supply switch or also disconnection of the power supply). However, it can also be triggered if the processor decides to perform an emergency stop and turns off.

Thus, there will be even more ahead of this entry or may start from a hardware problem.

-700 Watt power supply

No manufacturer, no model, no age, there can be 700W. Whether those on the secondary side are also present and the device also provides the voltages in a stable manner and with the necessary ampere, is thus not said.

6 months ago

I tap the power supplies. Kernelpower always comes when the PC is switched off unexpectedly.

6 months ago

that looks like a motherboard error, has now destroyed your graphics card. best buy new pc.

6 months ago
Reply to  dessen565

This is wrong on so many levels.

And btw: stop rolling.

6 months ago
Reply to  Faultier2917

have they been holding?

6 months ago

Isn’t there, but a helpful answer to your side would be better.