Pc starten aber kein bild?
es wurde schon alles probiert.
es wurde schon alles probiert.
Hello I have an ASUS STRIX B650E-F gaming motherboard and two G.Skill D548GB 6400-36 Trident Z5 RGB chips installed in connectors A2 and B2. However, in the CPU ID, the two RAM chips are only running at 3200 MHz. Can anyone tell me where I can adjust this in the BIOS? Or rather, you normally…
Guten Tag, ich habe eine Frage, und zwar kann ich über diesen USB-Stick auch Booten? https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/d/windows-11-home/dg7gmgf0krt0
Hi, mein Laptop hat einen HDMI Anschluss, was muss ich tun um zwei Bildschirme gleichzeitig mit zwei unterschiedlichen Bildern zu verwenden? Quasi Anwendung A auf Bildschirm A – Anwendung B auf Bildschirm B
Hello , I would like to get a laptop. Since I almost only use Apple, I would like to get a Macbook. Apple has installed the M1-M4 chips in the MacBook, but has installed Intel processors in the slightly older MacBooks . That's why I wanted to ask if the processor " Intel i3 –…
Hallo, da ich vorhabe mir einen gaming PC zu bauen, und gehört habe, dass es auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt gute Angebote gibt die sich sehr lohnen sollen wenn man nach einer cpu sucht, habe ich geschaut und tatsächlich eine gefunden und zwar den ryzen 7 7800x3d um 350€ nicht oc oder sonst welche Spielereien getrieben insgesamt…
I'd be interested to know what you consider sufficient? I ordered a 2 TB internal SSD hard drive in 2021 and have since used up all the storage space. I've now ordered another one, but I'm wondering if 4 TB wouldn't have been more sensible, since I almost always buy a lot of games, I…
What are you doing? Could bet he won’t start.
Then he’s broken. Realistic, you certainly didn’t try everything and just didn’t find the mistake.
These very sharp and high-resolution images, by the way, bring as much as if you make a picture of the oil stain on the ground in a car with oil leak.
Look at my latest question
If everything has already been tried, time for a new computer
but can be
How can nd be?
Then you haven’t done everything. Exchange the rest then we talk further
Did you just change the CPU?
No after changing the cpu lam no picture, even with the old cpu not
But you’ve already tried everything, haven’t you? Other ram built in? Other graphics card? Power supply? CPU?
that he’s broken
Well, I guess there’s only one new computer to help.
Yes: You give up that you ALL(!!!) have already tried.
As a result, nothing more remains than the assumption that your PC is irreplaceably defective. 🤷
Do I speak Spanish? Is clearly in the answer.
what do you think is broken?
Are the cables all right? Check this out, ’cause sometimes you look over something.
all right
And was the CPU installed properly?
Then I can’t help anymore.
Bring the PC to a PC-doctor or something
you are not going
According to Intel, the CPU has built-in graphics, so take the GPU out, plug the monitor to the mainboard graphics ports and restart it.
To help you, it wouldn’t be bad if you gave out more information.
What happened GENERAL Tested?
Does the PC sound at the start?
Is there a picture of bios?
Another monitor/connection already tried?
Did he ever work in this constellation?
in front of the cpu he went to
no matter Erlcher monitor/televisioner it is not possible
make keik piepen nix only lügter spin all no picture nix on monitor stands only no picture
Then the CPU will be very likely the problem, or did the PC run properly with this CPU?
You left important information, but you’ll give it the next time.
I have intel cpu that hot they are on the base, but nix broken
Okay good or bad. Did the pins go from the CPU Kaput?
no the new cpu was installed in another pc, and still goes to the pc but the bpc of jz just does not work that was already in there nor the new one I had built in there
New HDMI cables try to run other monitors. Start with the simplest
you are not going
Other graphics card
no one says computers nowadays and no one has forced you to help me
Then your computer is your problem. Enjoy it. I’m out. You suck
is my problem how often I supplement it
Stop writing supplements all the time. That sucks
google times after igpu
Dude, who do you want to sell here stupid???
, with an integrated graphics unit, but of course
Without GraKa, can no picture come or??
did not have any other but I did not problise, and it is not possible, we started everything until ivh the cpu exchanged
Is the cable plugged into the monitor or did you connect the monitor?
Okay, because once my colleague was there, I can’t help you, sry
First connect all hard drives.
whether or not without it is possible,
would not be connected to the screen that was not found
Join All
Which bios update you have, which CPU you have and you have and which MB. CMOS resets?
yes I tried
Pins still hot? Time without CPU cooler tried
yes he starts but there is no picture
If you have not grilled any of the components and everything is connected correctly, it should start.
I meant of course i5-6500
There is no I5-5600
Ka which bios update,
I had i5-6500, and uxg had put in my own i5-6600,(since I went more),
cmos mal Restraint
asrock h170 per 4