PC oder Datensicherung separat: Was nehmt ihr eher. Exterene Platte oder nur einen Stick um alle Daten zu sichern bzw. um separat zu deponieren?
Eure PC datensicherung was nehmt ihr da- externe platte oder nur einen Stick und wie bewahrt ihr separate Sicherung auf- verschlossen in einem Postfach oder daheim weggeschlossen um eure wichtigsten daten immer zu haben sollte mal was unvorhergesehenes eintreten- bzw daten die niemanden sonst auch Polizei nix angehen würden?
Since I also have many videos of events as well as pictures etc.
That’s why I didn’t buy an extra plate, but just a bigger one.
According to my information, the police are also able to decrypt encrypted files if it has enough time.
And as long as you don’t have Pedo movies or other forbidden stuff on your record, the police don’t come by and take the record/rechner.
a 500GB or 1TB SSD,
with USB3/ USB C adapter,
on SATA or M.2
I’m always letting them lie around handy.
Must go fucking fast sometimes.
Just as a hint for the future:
I use ACRONIS True Image (as a one-time purchase, no subscription) as BACKUP-IMAGE software and this has already saved me a ” pair of times” in this respect.
Take a distance from “reset operations” because the recovery points of WINDOWS are always “inhomogeneous” over time and errors are caused by this. This usually never works clean or as expected.
Please reinstall the PC completely clean, consider any drivers and specific software.
Then partition the plate.
My “C:” is a SAMSUNG SSD with 1TB capacity. There I installed only Windows and its programs.
A built-in second plate (2TB SEAGATE SSHD) is installed.
I have divided this into Partition D: and E:
On D:all my dataas well as downloads and BACKUPS (Also also images of partition C:). On D: VirtualBox (so I work with virtual PC’s) and various virtual PC’s are stored with which I also work professionally.
Then some programs as an installation folder so that I don’t have to download them again on a problem
What many people do not do is a sensible BACKUP of the system.
In addition, it makes sense to store the last 2 BACKUP in addition, so that, in case of problems, the penultimate BACKUP, which has not yet had the error, can be secured back and can then continue to build on it.
The cleanest thing would be a new installation.
Then another tip on the edge.
Install Windows fresh. ThenEMPLOYED, best monthly backup of the entire plate C:\bya programme(ACRONIS True Image) and then save the image created by the running WINDOWS separately.
I also secure the data from the D: Partition 1x per month.
I use an external SSD plate that is connected to the USB 3 port only in this case.
Additionally, it is copied after said partition D:\ IMAGES.
The backups/image files are therefore on the internal hard drive D:\IMAGESand in additionsecured on the external SSD.
In case of insolable problems or if WINDOWS should hang completely wrong then you have the always working possibility to back up WINDOWS 1:1 again and the PC runsagain exactly in the state when this BACKUP was created. I just need to read back the complete C: (Windows & Programs) without data loss.
Because the data and all important downloads for me are stored on D: and are not touched by it.
So all programs, settings and pers. Favourites are then restored without any problem, without new installation and expensive new placement.
Everything else like the “reset” provided by WINDOWS usually doesn’t work properly, is “feeling” or the success is not as desired.
Since this will result in errors or only later other problems, which will only notice you, secure the most important files and set up the FRISCH system.
Then a reasonable BACKUP strategy and good it will. A new WINDOWS installation with all settings is no longer necessary, since everything is included in this BACKUP (i.e. IMAGE file).
That’s how I’ve been working since 1994 and saved me a lot of trouble and new installations.
I have 3 NAS devices (QNAPs) with a total capacity of 48 TB in the local network. Of course with NAS-enabled HDDs in it.
I secure to a NAS and important data additionally encrypted into the cloud.
That depends.
Of course, backup is more on hard drive.
Stick would usually be too small
Larger data, of course
Small amounts of data can also be stored well on stick
Why in the mailbox?
I don’t understand.
Yes at home and away of course not necessary
With company data, of course, this is something else.
Why should data be hidden from the police?
Such a thing only has to be criminals
Do you belong to the variety?
There would, of course, be suitable opportunities for this, but I certainly do not give a public price here
I take an external hard drive, a stick has too little storage space
and what do you do with this one on the PC or close it off?
Both, I always use two hard drives, one remains on the PC, a second is in the desk
I secure on 2 external hard drives that I store at home and are neither hidden nor encrypted. I never let backups connected to the PC. Because of ransomware (still experienced).