Ich Bau mir ein neuen PC zusammen und habe mir eine NVME SSD gekauft und habe in vielen Youtube Videos gesehen das die meisten ein Kühler oben haben braucht es das dringend oder ist das nicht so schlimm.
Mfg Jerome
Ich Bau mir ein neuen PC zusammen und habe mir eine NVME SSD gekauft und habe in vielen Youtube Videos gesehen das die meisten ein Kühler oben haben braucht es das dringend oder ist das nicht so schlimm.
Mfg Jerome
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Depends on how large and fast it is, how strong it is claimed, and where it is installed.
The smaller and faster, the higher the heat load, the more likely it will need a cooler.
In normal or occasional use, it will not need cooling
It usually sits between GraKa and CPU, where it gets quite warm and where little air comes.
If the NVME is heavily stressed, and many data are pushed back and forth (e.g. video editing), it should definitely get a cooler
So she comes with me between CPU and gpu and she has about a write speed of 3000 and I use her to play and rarely move to the files
Try to maintain a good airflow in the housing.
With programs like Crystal disk info you can read the Zusatand and the temperature of your HD/SSD. If it gets too hot, you should think about a cooler
Okayy will look….many thanks 😊
If the temperature is permanently above 65-70°C. This is usually not very healthy and reduces its performance and service life.
Thanks for the first time, what temperature should I get a cooler?
In my old computer I have had one without a cooler for years (samsung). Never missed anything.
At my current time, a cooler for the SSD was on the board.
Thank you, so I bought a cheap Nvme pcie ssd 3.0 1tb from SanDisk ultra. You don’t think it needs because a Samsung is much more high-quality and better. I just want to be sure.
So it will definitely be safer with coolers. It’s annoying when it’s broken. I can’t say how it looks with one of SD now. But these passive heat sinks are not expensive either. At the end you get angry because you wanted to save a few euros and the thing is then broken ðŸTM‚
Thanks for this