PC Mainboard?

Hallo, ich habe dieses Mainboard wie ihm angegebenen Bild geschenkt bekommen in einem PC, der einen Versand Schaden hatte. Jedoch habe ich gerade gesehen, dass oben Teile abgebrochen sind. Ich frage mich nur jetzt, inwiefern man dieses Board noch nutzen kann oder ob es jetzt unsicher ist oder gar nicht mehr geht

Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-F2A75M-HD2

ich bin mir bewusst, dass dieses Mainboard sehr alt ist jedoch wollte ich den PC eigentlich einen Kollegen schenken

Das Bord einfach so zu testen, ist für mich keine wirkliche Option, da ich in einem sehr alten haus lebe und Bedenken bei den Strom Sicherheitsstandards habe die um abgebrochenen Teile sind oben, wo im ersten Bild die Teile liegen

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1 month ago

in the best case it is not broken but then can still give with the time annoying because the capacitors smooth the current. 1 option new motherboard request2 new brazed

1 month ago

Well, the components are part of the CPU power supply. So in the best case, the system is running very unstable and often crashes, and in the worst case, something burns off and the CPU dies.

However, the components are surprisingly cleanly broken out and the board does not seem to be damaged. So you can buy equivalent components and solder them back there. I can’t tell you if it works. Such components do not simply break out, as extreme violence has to be applied. That’s why I’m surprised the board looks so good.

1 month ago
Reply to  User7741

Ahh okay, that’s what comes from damage. Then the motherboard shouldn’t have settled. The traces of these components would have to be very thick. So there should be nothing torn.

1 month ago

These are capacitors… They are usually there to handle load peaks and thus smooth the current.

If there’s stuff going down, I wouldn’t want to use it anymore, because in the best case, just follow system crashes, or in the worst case, the CPU or any periphery you’ve connected will burn you off… It is also possible that it simply does not boot.

1 month ago

You should complain, I wouldn’t use it like that anymore, is the question whether it can still be used.

1 month ago

Repair or throw away are the options.
You should drive or you can’t get that board anymore.