(Pc lüfter) Wofür ist des/wo gehört es rein?
Hey,ich habe vor mit der zeit mein pc zusammenzubauen und hätte mal nh frage..
Wisst ihr vielleicht wo diese lüfter pins reingehören? Oder wofür sie sind?
ich komm mit allem klar bis auf mit der sache..
Währe cool wenn geholfen wird 🙂
This is to connect to the ARGB Gedönse in the case. How this is connected is in the manual of the housing. You also need a motherboard with ARGB Pin Header. Otherwise, you cannot connect the ARGB LED’s to the housing lighting and control it via the motherboard.
mfG computer tomb
Okay, thanks:)
Another question can you connect a 3pin to a 4pin port? Not on the motherboard but on the hub? Is that okay?
We have to separate it very accurately.
Once there are 3 and 4 poles. Fan plugs that are plugged on a SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN pin header or to a fan hub. The fan itself is controlled by this. In this case, 3 poles can also be used. Plug on a 4 pin header. Under certain circumstances, however, the speed cannot be regulated, because for this the 4th is Pin, for PWM speed control.
The 3 pol. ARGB plugs, these are the one with the one closed contact, since on the picture, these can only be plugged onto a 3 pin ARGB header. The ARGB LEDs are controlled in the fans. In no case can a 3 pole ARGB plug, be plugged onto a 4 pin RGB header, or can be used there, otherwise it smokes on the next one. 3 Pin ARGB runs with 5V and 4 Pin RGB with 12V. In addition, the color channel control also deviates from one another.
All right, thanks 😉
Yeah, you can do that, it’s not a problem.
Okay, so that you can’t get the 3pin on nem 4pin. Only you can get the 3 pole. Plug (picture 1 at the top of the 2 parts with which the ventilators rotate or are controlled) on the 4 pole. PWM hub port on it?
Below the two are ARGB for lighting.
Go to a 5V ARGB connection on the motherboard.
The two upper are the fan connectors for the speed of the fans. Go to a fan connection (zb CPU Fan, sys Fan) connection on the board .
Okay, thanks:)