Pc Lüfter?
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage bei meinem pc drehen sich die Lüfter beim anschalten des PCs nicht aber sobald ich gegen die Lüfter puste fangen sie an sich zu drehen das heißt sie können nicht defekt sein. und ich habe aber keine Lust jedes Mal gegen die Lüfter zu pusten kann mir jemand helfen ?
Probably these are not a “PWM” fan, but 3pin “voltage-controlled” fan.
And maybe these are just getting too little tension…
Then the force is not sufficient to start.
Look into the respective fan curves.
These 4-pin “PWM” fans always have the full 12V, but they get a control signal that “yes” them how fast they are to turn.
It can of course also be that this control signal attempts to allow too low a speed.
Here, too, one has to look in the fan curves what is predetermined.
That would be the first thing you could check.
How old are the fans? uefi is a fan control, since the speed can be increased. A fan that only starts with powder, I call defective.
Because I bought pc last year in September
Then legal warranty.
Ah okay, thanks for your help 🙂
I’m sorry that I’m so stupid, but what does legal warranty mean?