PC kaufen oder Prozessor zu schlecht?


ich wollte folgenden PC kaufen:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 5500, 6x 3.60GHz
  •  16GB DDR4 RAM 3200 MHz
  •  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 – 8GB
  •  MSI A520M Pro
  •  500 GB M.2 SSD ADATA XPG Gammix S50 Core

für sage und schreibe 669€

Aber ich habe die Befürchtung, dass der Prozessor zu schlecht für die Grafikkarte ist.

Bzw. welcher Prozessor wäre dann angemessen?

Danke im Voraus:)

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1 month ago


I’ll go, but the CPU isn’t the best.

Which processor would be appropriate?

A Ryzen 5 5600 would be better here, even in terms of an upgrade and simply from pure performance.

But according to hardware, the Ryzen 5 5500 would also be enough.

My question: where do you want to buy the PC?

Just to make sure that there was no crap in the PC.

Edit: okay, the mainboard is really not impressive, but above all the power supply would be very important to know here.

1 month ago


as processor do not take the Ryzen 5 5500. This only comes with PCIe 3.0, which is bad for the graphics card. The Ryzen 5 5600 is the better choice. Alternatively, the Ryzen 7 5700x is also interesting for the Adobe programs. All this on a B550 board. They are not as much more expensive and then PCIe 4.0 is included. A 500 GB SSD is quickly full… go right here to 1 TB. The surcharge is also moderate.
One example:

700 Euro New | Wishlists Geizhals Germany


1 month ago

No, this processor is usually not too bad for this graphics card.

1 month ago

depends on what you want to do with it