PC fährt extrem langsam hoch?
Ein kollege hat ein problem mit seinen pc!
der pc fährt seit neum noch langsamer hoch als zuvor, teilweise bis zu 10min
vorher so 3min!
nach dem hoch fahren ist der pc auch extrem langsam!
kann es sein das die festplatte langsam den geist aufgibt?
der pc ist knapp 4 jahre alt!
Can lead to some causes, at 4 years old components I make less worry about what might be broken there.
I would replace Windows/current operating system, here it seems that this operating system tries to re-separate completely before it starts in order.
so he has windows 10 home
No, it is so that the hard drive(!!!) is slow IST.
If it were also quite full, the longer boot time would explain.
Unfortunately, you don’t share further points for a deeper analysis – but you’ve already got the usual “make the box plat” advice. 🙄
Only: If what is used, you could simply delete excess data. Makes less work. 😉
so it’s not really much on the hard drive on it
what do you need for a deeper analysis?
“Your know-how, which is not available”. Otherwise you wouldn’t ask. 😉
There are so many pitches where you could screw – from car start to background apps to malware.
And yes, the HDD could actually be close to Exitus.
All possible. Therefore, a crashed new installation – especially without previous data backup – could also bring nix and cause bad data loss.
Infigure Crystal Disk Info and check if the SMART values are in order.
I want him to make an inplace upgrade. Maybe that’s something.
How it works: https://www.giga.de/downloads/windows-10/tipps/inplace-upgrade-throughfuehren-windows-ueberinstall-so-gangs/
what is it
Click on the link above.
Secure data, crate plating, reinstall. No reset,no recovery,no recovery attempts.
With MS windoof you should reimburse it every 6-12 months differently you can’t face the problems.
problem is this is nen account on it from Epicgames! and on the email address he can nciht m ehr to grab that heist the account would then be gone