PC CRASHT nach neuen cpu?
Hey habe grade den ryzen 5 3600 von mir nem Freund gegeben und mir den ryzen 5 3600x eingebaut, weil ich den noch da hatte aber jetzt crasht mein pc. Kann mir wer weiterhelfen 🙏. Ich mach den pc an und nach 5min kommt der windows bluescreen (es ist ein problem aufgetreten) und der pc startet neu. Ich habe auch noch ein bild vom ereignisprotokoll gemacht.
BlueScreen UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP (0x0000007F) – Windows FAQ (windows-faq.de)
To read.
Errors in cooling, such as too little or too much heat-conducting paste or too weak or not connected coolers?
UEFI update necessary? Suddenly when the computer crashes while no OS is running during the update process…
I reinstalled windows. The pc has gone down all the time. I had a bootstick for luck. Installed windows quickly. Meanwhile, the pc has made a reset all the time. That’s all since the cpu. Can it be that this one is broken or???
Hello, you did not respond to my requests/proposals! How to help you if you don’t?!
Hey, so I completely replaced the cpu, actually I didn’t want to install the ryzen 9 5900x but well now I’m going to upgrade my whole pc. So errors in cooling can not be, have the pc since 5 Jahen and it has been working perfectly since the first day. Since I changed the Cpu, everything works. I can’t explain it to me (the latest bios version I had made for happiness before). Can it be real that the CPU was broken?
Reinstall Windows
reinstall windows 🤷🏼