Pc bauen lassen?
Ich habe eine PC Konfiguration mit der ich zufrieden bin
Aber ich habe sowas noch nie gemacht also weiß ich nicht ob ich den gleich selbst zusammen bauen sollte
Gibt es Firmen die genau meine Konfiguration für mich bauen?
Oder ist das kein Problem ihn selbst mit tutorial zu bauen?
In my eyes, it’s very good for itself. The manuals of the components already explain a lot. Then all the tutorials in video or font form help a lot.
This usually makes every PC-doctor, i.e. at nem PC-repair shop, show that look at it, and tell you what it will cost.
I have my computers built by a local hardware specialist according to my specifications. I am very happy with that. It’s not much more expensive than computers from the bar. And if there is a problem or a change or change. an extension is necessary which also makes it necessary.
Assembling is really not a witchcraft.My friend without a PC experience has looked at 1 Pc-combination video and it was already going on.
Would do it yourself. It’s really easy with the right YouTube videos. You can’t do anything wrong.
The more you build yourself, the cheaper.
Total system 180€.
CPU/cooler/RAM 60 €.
Mindfactory makes this for 160€