Pc aufrüsten?
Alte specs:
R7 5800x
3060 ti
Neue specs:
R7 7800x3d
B650 + ddr5
4070 ti super
Lohnt sich das? Preislich natürlich teuer
Alte specs:
R7 5800x
3060 ti
Neue specs:
R7 7800x3d
B650 + ddr5
4070 ti super
Lohnt sich das? Preislich natürlich teuer
Moin, suche ein Laptop für max 300. Welcher hat das beste Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und/oder kann aus Erfahrung einen empfehlen Danke im voraus
mein pc lief vorher eigentlich ganz ok aber momentan macht der Probleme manchmal wird ein Bild angezeigt und manchmal nicht ganz komisch und ich kann den manchmal nur mit 1 ram stick an machen und wenn ich zum beispiel den 2 ram stick rein mache geht der an und dann wieder aus und damit der…
Hey, gibt es eigentlich universelle Lüfter (bsp. auf Amazon), die ich für mehrere Zwecke verwenden kann? Ich hab das Problem, dass mein Handy ziemlich warm wird bei manchen Apps. Ebenso der Adapter beim Laden. Und das Tablet beim Gaming. Wie kann ich diese 3 Sachen am besten Kühlen? (Keine Sorge, nicht gleichzeitig). Reicht es beim…
Hi zusammen, ich habe ein kleines Problem: Ich habe 32 GB RAM (zwei Sticks) verbaut, und seit kurzem sind bei mir ständig 12 GB von den 32 GB belegt, obwohl ich keine Programme geöffnet habe. Es läuft nichts im Hintergrund, trotzdem sind 12 GB belegt. Woran könnte das liegen? Ich habe alle Updates gemacht, und…
Hey Leute ich will mir ein Laptop zulegen der soll Videos schneiden können Photoshop Bilder bearbeiten können und noch für die Schule Kleinigkeiten wie World oder halt andere Programme die ein wenig leistungsintesiv sind ist dies möglich wehre nett wen die Profis mir helfen könnten Technische Daten: -CPU: i7 6600u -RAM: 16Gb ram -GPU: Intel…
8gb 2x und 16gb 1x
Do you even need that? Only then can you decide whether it is worth it. Isn’t that enough for you?
You have a great middle class PC. If you only have 16GB of RAM, then upgrade to 32GB. And done.
Later you might be able to replace the graphics card, but the RTX 3060 Ti is still good. And the R7 5800X anyway.
He does, of course. Talked to friends and then the thought came up and asked.
Yes I have finally broken 2 ram’s as soon as I turn the mhz to 3200 (are 3200 mhz ram) he no longer wants to boot. That’s why he’s still running on 16 gb. With 3200 mhz.
Hat 4x 8gb 3200mhz
Get this RAM here: https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/32GB–2x-16GB-G-Skill-RipJaws-V-schwarz-DDR4-3200-DIMM-CL16-18-18-38-D_1017414.html
He’s very good. Fully equipped is always so neat. Just two. And you don’t need more than 3200 MHz. You don’t remember, but it’s running stable.
54€. That’s cheap as never.
I think it’s not because then it wouldn’t go. The bars themselves make the same problems elsewhere.
Yes, it’s worth considering that to buy thanks to you.
Maybe the two slots got a way. You have to find out which of them are the guilty. It may also be that one of the bolts as they slipped out at the shock, got a short circuit.
That’s why try the RAM I’ve proposed. You can always send him back.
I think it’s worth it.
Have the 2 rams once given a colleague that he built the mind and there was exactly the same problem
Are you 80€ away?
Irgewann started as I said as soon as my desk was shaken by some smallness whether it was my armrest or other (no I don’t complain to my desk). My pc hanged. And then I wanted to take a look and it was on the ram all out and 1 to 1 in with the guess maybe one isn’t right in there anymore and since then I have the problem. When I hit all 4 pure it works on the default setting as soon as I convert it to 3200 he does not boot at all, cpu light is on and must reset my bios
With the 2 old ram it works on 3200 mhz so it is currently
The PC fell down?
Yes first had 2×8 gb and bought me another 16 gb a few years later.
It started first as soon as my desk duech anything gets shaken his my chair rest or otherwise what’s my pc crashed.
Did the ram’s then expand and 1 to 1 against pure and since then 2 no longer want to be set over ~2300 mhz (do not know the mini value). Let I do everything it works I put this around I have a blackscreen and must put my bios back absolutely headaches with the dingers in front of all it is corsair there you should expect that before all the newer not just break
Here it is immediately available.
No, you will hardly notice a difference, save the money better & buy a new PC in 3-4 years. If the PC is too slow, get to Ubuntu (almost all Windows games you can also play with Lutris). Ubuntu needs 1.5 GB of RAM & in the ground no CPU performance & has all functions of Windows & a very nice user-friendly interface based on MacOS.
I only use Linux for online shopping and banking because it is safer.
But to zoom you have the highest compatibility with Windows.
So from about 250 games only case Guys does not go because of the anticheat (they already work on a solution)
You got more power. But it is not a massive upgrade. Depending on the scenario, only the graphics card is enough to exchange
Yes, very