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8 months ago

read and understand.
PayPal writes that they debit the money.
Then let them do it, and don’t pussy with their own transfer.

8 months ago
Reply to  FerdiFuchsMini

You don’t seem to be able to read or not understand, or both.
If PayPal writes they’re debiting. Then book them. Then hold your feet still, and everything works. And if the debit takes place two days later than announced, you’ll be happy. Have two days longer money on the account.

And don’t forget…. not PayPal made a mistake, but you did.. at the time you bought for more money than was available on the account.

I wouldn’t yell out loud here.

8 months ago

It is the case that you have the experience of many payments via PayPal that the bank account is not sufficiently covered. It’s about 5. Time in the last approx. Two years.

Didn’t happen to me once in person. Just take care of what you buy, then there are no problems.

The only thing that happened to me is that PayPal did not accept my bank account. Then I also had to transfer money to my PayPal account. Had no problems. It was on it within 1-2 days and was done.

8 months ago
Reply to  FerdiFuchsMini

I didn’t have to pay 3€, I wasn’t threatened with bankruptcy or something. There was only, please cover your PayPal account or similar. If this happens to you more often, it doesn’t surprise me that PayPal might consider you as insolvent and worry about the money itself.

Always have an overview of your account. For example, I can recommend a banking app that keeps you looking at your expenses and balance. I use the ING app, really well done.