PayPal without credit or debit card?
Heyyy so I wanted to get something from the app store with my pay pal account and I have money on it unfortunately I can't link my pay pal with a credit card or debit card
Does anyone know how I could do that?
Heyyy so I wanted to get something from the app store with my pay pal account and I have money on it unfortunately I can't link my pay pal with a credit card or debit card
Does anyone know how I could do that?
Hey my dears. How can I see with the new PayPal whether the money was sent to me via services or via friends & family? Since the app has been updated it is a bit different and you can no longer tell exactly whether it is friends or services. I can debit the money from…
My iPad calendar and my iPhone calendar are not linked, so if I write something in my iPhone calendar, it is not automatically displayed on the iPad. However, I have the arrow next to Calendar in iCloud, but it still doesn't work. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much
I plan to buy shoes on snkrs and for that I need a lot of virtual credit cards, which I would create with Revolute. Will these have a negative impact on my Schufa entry?
Hi, I lost my wallet and had my bank card, which is still active but is about to expire, blocked. I have a new one at home with a new code that I have never used. Do you think I can withdraw money with this card or will all cards then be blocked?
Mindestens 3 Jahre warten. Du darfst gar kein PayPal verwenden . PayPal ist ohne Ausnahme erst ab 18. Die Anmeldung bei PayPal mit falschem Geburtsdatum ist eine Straftat, § 269 StGB.
Jegliches Guthaben auf den Account gehört dem Kontoinhaber und zwar nur dem, der zu 100% mit den Daten vom Ausweis überein stimmt. Es kann dir also passieren, dass PayPal das Guthaben nimmt und einfriert für immer, da du nicht der Kontoinhaber bist, immerhin weicht das Geburtsdatum ab.
Genau solche Personen wie du sind der Grund, warum die ehrlichen User immer mehr Auflagen bekommen wie das Hinzufügen einer Kreditkarte. Die bekommt man erst ab 18 und so fischt man kinderleicht die Minderjährigen raus, die denken sie wären schlauer als eine internationale Bank.