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1 year ago

Since I assume that you use PayPal lawfully (including the correct age when registering), I can only advise you to link the bank account.

Your bank has no access to the movements on the PayPal account.
Only if a possible. If the PayPal account is not sufficient to pay purchased items, the missing part will be debited from the bank account. That’s what the bank sees.

1 year ago

The bank has no access.

When I buy something and pay via PayPal, my connected bank account is charged by PP. That’s what the house bank gets.

1 year ago

If you add your bank account, you only grant PayPal a SEPA mandate (initial authorization) and can allow PayPal payments by direct debit from the account. You can also pay PayPal credits to the bank account. Your bank does not get access to PayPal. It only sees what PayPal debits (if you pay by direct debit) or just transfers (if you pay out) to your account.

1 year ago

This is definitely useful.
PayPal is not useful without a connected bank account.

The bank will of course “see” all your PayPal transactions that run through your bank account.