Paypal Lastschriftvereinbarung wie?
möchte über Paypal zahlen, über Bankkonto. Da ich noch keine Online Banking machen darf, muss ich über Lastschriftverfahren bezahlen. Wie geht das? Da steht die ganze Zeit ich muss mein Bankkonto bestätigen also ich muss mich einloggen. Das Problem ist nur, ich kann mich nicht einloggen, da ich noch keine Online Banking eröffnen darf. Zweite Möglichkeit für das Bestätigen ist: Die überweisen mir ein Beitrag von 0,1€ wo es dann so ein Code als Verwendungszweck bezeichnet wird und ich muss dieser Code dann eingeben damit ich mein Bankaccount bestätigen kann. Aber ich warte ja seit 6 Tagen und die haben mir immer noch nicht überwiesen. Was soll ich tun?
Because you’re a minor.
And that’s why you can’t have a PayPal account.
However, you know that yourself because you have deliberately registered with a wrong date of birth.
And soon you have correct Problem:
In short, PayPal wants you to a credit card add; that make those who have been more and more frequent recently to ensure payments and to filter out minors; but also the white can required for age verification by you.
At the latest, you will find out that you registered with a fake date of birth; As a result, PayPal will lock your account and you as a person, and Finalas with your colleagues here:
PayPal has a Luxembourg bank license, is subject to European banking laws and can certainly not be danced by minor birth data counters on the nose.
Of course I can be with others, but I’ve never happened before. Thus, only with the intended use and debit
Why do you always have to be so scared. I’m sorry I met jz like a big crime. Wheat
Check again if you have actually confirmed the code with purpose button, otherwise look again on the account extract. Usually the whole thing should not last longer than 3 bank days was with me too
By Yearly and Legal with correct data – also correct date of birth.
You can and do nothing. It won’t work with you.
More importantly, you cannot use Paypal at all!
Paypal is first from 18J allowed – without exception!
If you want to fake date of birth one injustice Paypal account will follow considerable consequences for you.
Do I have to pay punishment?
Paypal will lock you up forever.
Not only the injustice account, but you as a person, so you can never sign up to Paypal again.
You’ve made yourself punishable, but Paypal usually doesn’t pay a penalty in such cases.