Paypal Konto nur 1 mal benutzen?
Hi, ich will was online Bestellen und da kann man nur mit Paypal zahlen. Ich werde dieses Konto nur einmal benötigen. Geht es, dass ich nur das Geld überweise was ich für den Kauf benötige? Ich habe ein Sparkassen Konto.
You open a PayPal account. They want the account connection to your KSK account. Then there is a sample transfer and then you can shop with your PayPal account. If you like unique.
You can also deposit a credit card. There is no fundamentally different option in my knowledge.
I’ve been using PayPal for over 10 years. Never problems! It is important that you carry out trusted payments – with mind!
Once you have PayPal, you also use it.
Were you not booked monthly bills in Paypal? When I wanted to create a new account yesterday, I was told that there were monthly bills.
It’s probably what you’re buying. The amount. I gotta tell DIr honestly, I don’t care about it. But if I buy what in the 100€ range, it will be quite quickly recovered from the Giro account…
Since PayPal is a bank with an EU license, it is necessary to provide correct information.
PayPal is from 18!
For Paypal you have to be full-year.
I am also, unfortunately, not answering my question
You can’t recognize that. Since you talked about parents in questions, you can point out. There is no obligation to use. Simply log in correctly and connect to your bank account.
now seemingly dozens offered to say that
Say what?
What bots say what?
What do you mean? When buying, the shop gets its money within seconds, and the sum will be debited by default after a few days from your bank account.
If you are trustworthy for PayPal at some point, there is also the possibility to pay after 30 days.
No matter how you pay. There is no billing in written form zb home. But an email confirming the purchase.
Isn’t any bills calculated in the Paypal?