Paypal Hilfe?
Hallo Leute und zwar brauche ich dringend Hilfe. Ich möchte mir etwas über Paypal bestellen jedoch immer wenn ich meine iban und Geburtsdatum eingebe und auf speichern drücke kommt das rote Dreieck ( Siehe Anhang) bin schon seit ner Stunde hier am versuchen komme aber einfach nicht weiter. Kann mir da bitte jemand weiterhelfen ?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen 🙂
PayPal now wants you to Credit card add; those who have recently become more and more frequent to ensure future payments and to filter out minors who have been illegally registered there with a fake date of birth.
So you should get a credit card, that’s really no problem for a full-year-old nowadays and there are also numerous free providers.
And if you write now “I don’t have a credit card”:
You minor should be or should be on account minor what I personally do not believe is the beginning of the end of your PayPal account, which will soon be Final to be blocked; You as a person by the way.
You can also call PayPal customer service; they have very friendly staff who like to help you:
0800 – 7234500 or 069 – 945189832/ Mo.- Sat. 9:00 to 19:30
And be prepared to ensure that PayPal will make a data comparison by means of a welding can for personal and age verification.
Oh, yes.
Then you have a problem now. 😎
PayPal wants you to have a real account Credit card Add (no debit card or prepaid). Then everything goes back to normal.
For this additional measure, you may thank all the children who have registered with fake date of birth. As you get a real credit card from 18 on, this is an effective way for PayPal without having to filter out the kids.
Are you 18?
And what is this?
Great, then you can call the PP customer service without any consequences.
Been on 15.09 18. That day I created my account. :
If you have already added the account and the message will continue to come Paypal ne Credit Card.
If you were already 18 when you first registered at Paypal, but you can’t have a credit card with the support, which is easily accessible by phone.
If you have a credit card, try it with the one.
You can’t pay by direct debit at Paypal.
only by credit card or credit card.
should therefore first deposit money on the PayPal account
Bullshit. Of course you can pay by direct debit, I’ve been doing that for years.
does not mean that he can, maybe too bad credit
With this special customer. Generally speaking.
Yes, Paypal does not accept that
This is possible, of course, but does not mean that you can generally not pay by direct debit.