Paypal Gebühren?
Hallo, ich habe jetzt schon knapp 3 Monate PayPal und benutze es öfters fürs Shoppen usw.. Meines Wissens gibt es PayPal Gebühren für jede Transaktion.
0,35 Cent + 2,49% oder so.
Wann genau werden diese gebühren abgezogen?
Ich würde gerne wissen, wann diese abgezogen werden, um genug Geld auf dem Konto zu lassen.
I quote myself:
So you don’t have to add extra buffer to the purchase price, which is done on the recipient side – if you pay by merchandise & service
Because here the hint came with friends and family it is for free:
Please use this only for R&F. When buying online, it would be a no-go. Existing protective mechanisms are thus released.
Paypal fees pay only the seller and the fee pays paypal directly from the transaction: The seller will only receive the reduced amount.
If you choose to pay the option to friends, the money recipient does not pay fees.
Fees and commissions (in the case of payment choice goods and services) must always pay the payee.
The payee pays the fee. He’ll be right away from the payment.